You have not tried everything if you haven’t tried “Marriage Matters”
Why does your marriage matter?
What does God say about your marriage?
Why was marriage so important that God himself created this Sacrament?
What is the Catholic Church’s teaching on marriage and divorce?
In October of 2020, we participated in a program to improve our marriage because, at that time, our marriage was desperately struggling. We had spent years and years of our lives in an unhappy and unchristian existence. We lived a marriage which seemed to some to function as any normal marriage, at least from the outside looking in. But, no matter how much we attended mass with each other, participated in sacraments, or volunteered, our life was far from what God’s plan for our marriage was intended to be. We had been married 36 years and neither us, nor our daughter, could have been more unhappy. We knew, with all of our heart, God did not want us to live a marriage like we were living. What we didn’t know, is that “God had a plan”, and we were about to find out just what that plan was and so can you!
By God’s intervention, we heard of a program designed to save marriages and we thought we had nothing to lose, so we signed up. We were into the 3rd meeting when, for us, a transformation of incredible magnitude took place. By God’s design, that transformation revolved around the Sacrament of Reconciliation. It was at this point we knew our marriage would never be the same again and it was elevated to a height we had never imagined. From that point on, we’ve never looked back.
What we came to know, is that we had to start trusting God and doing what he asked. When we did, our marriage made incredible and unbelievable changes and so can yours. Our daughter came home from college and looked at us as if we were aliens because we spoke and acted totally different than she had ever heard or seen before. And, after we completed all of the meetings and experienced the transformation in our marriage, we then went on to be trained volunteers to help other couples hear and learn of God’s plan for their marriage with the hopes to help those couples transform their marriages too.
We are still figuring this “new marriage” out; how it feels and how it works. We’re not perfect, but now we have more knowledge of God’s plan for our marriage and when we hit the rough times, we know how to get our marriage back on track. Our experience and what we have learned about God’s plan and that “Marriage Matters” is why we want to help other couples in their marriages.
Would you like to enrich your marriage and make it better than you have ever imaged? Whether your marriage seems destined for divorce, whether it is on somewhat rocky ground, or if you are single and looking forward to someday literally being the spouse of a lifetime, “Marriage Matters” will make life changing differences for you, if only you will allow God into your lives and your marriage.