6-8 Youth: Youth in grades 6-8 (from any school) have gatherings on Wednesday evenings from 6:15-7:30pm for students from any school.
High School Youth: Youth in grades 9-12 (from any school) meet on scheduled Wednesday and Sunday evenings. Contact Mani Brockmeyer for details.
Upper Room Night: Youth in grades 6-12 are invited the first Wednesday of every month for an evening of food, praise and worship, a guest speaker testimony, and prayer.
Mass/Gym Night: Youth in grades 6-12 are invited to join us for a monthly Wednesday evening Mass together followed by gym time!
Confirmation Team: For confirmed youth and adults who would like to share their faith, lead a small group (training provided), and various other tasks. We meet about every other Sunday morning from 8:45-10:45am.
Service & Retreats: IC Youth sponsors many service events throughout the year like our parish Trunk or Treat, Easter Egg Hunt, and Ash Wednesday Fish Fry. They also attend various retreats like Steubenville throughout the year.
Acts Mission Team: Youth in grades 6-12 are invited to join the Acts Mission Team. The team assembles in the summer to go out and serve our Springfield community through service projects and evangelization.
For scheduling or any other details about the above ministries, please contact Mani Brockmeyer.