


Infant Baptism Preparation classes are available for all those expecting and those with newborn children To register call: 417-887-0600 

Baptism is the first of the seven sacraments and is one of the sacraments of Initiation along with Confirmation and Holy Eucharist. Baptism is birth into the new life in Christ. In accordance with the Lord's will, it is necessary for salvation, as is the Church herself, which we enter by Baptism.

God calls each of us by name. Everyone's name is sacred. The name is an icon of the person. It demands respect as a sign of dignity of the one who bears it. Therefore, much thought should be put into the naming of your child.

The baptismal name can be the name of a saint or an expression of a Christian mystery or Christian virtue. Parents, sponsors and the pastor are to see that name is not given which is foreign to Christian sentiment.

There are many resources on names and lives of saints in the parish library that can be used to help you decide on a name for your child.

Sponsors or Godparents for Baptism

Canon law permits only one godparent of each gender, a godmother and a godfather. For a child or adult to be baptized these sponsors -

  • Cannot be the parents of the one being baptized
  • Must be 16 years or older
  • Must be practicing Catholics, going to Mass every week.
  • Be already confirmed
  • If someone can't find two practicing Catholics to be the godfather and godmother, then one sponsor can be Catholic and the other a Christian witness if that person is a baptized Protestant Christian in good standing

First Reconciliation

Eligible age is Second Grade. Parents of second grade children preparing for First Reconciliation attend a meeting in the early fall and First Reconciliation is usually held in November/December.

To arrange for sacramental preparation for older children parents should contact 417-887-0600 

First Communion

Eligible age is Second Grade. Parents of second grade children preparing for First Communion attend a meeting in the spring. First Communion is usually held the Sunday after Easter at a special First Communion Eucharist.


Catholics are eligible to become confirmed at the beginning of their eighth grade year or older. A series of classes that begin in the Fall prepare those eligible for the Sacrament of Confirmation. 

Anyone needing to be confirmed please contact the parish office at 417-887-0600.


It is necessary to contact the priest six months in advance of a proposed wedding date. A mutual date that is acceptable for the church, couple and priest or deacon must be made. Our diocese requires baptism records of the couple, attending Marriage Preparation classes and the couple taking the FOCCUS assessment with the priest.

Six month preparation period, regular attendance at Sunday Mass and registration in the parish is required. An appointment with the priest must be made before deciding on a date.

Sacraments are the prayers of the Church community. The wedding day is a celebration of the whole faith community and an experience with Christ. A bride and groom publicly pledge a commitment to love each other and it is witnessed by the assembled Church.

In these guidelines for weddings at Immaculate Conception Parish guidance is given for the celebration of the Sacrament of Marriage to provide a prayerful experience for you and the community. Working with the celebrant and ministers helps to make the ceremony a true celebration for the whole assembly.

We pray, that the wedding you are beginning to plan will be a wonderful, joyful experience for you, the bride and groom, and for your families and friends. The church community joins with you in your celebration and invites you to solemnize your marriage in the context of our prayer as Catholic Christians. We must remember that "parish communities are not compliant custodians of nice places for weddings; rather, weddings are gracious functions in the life of the parish community and of its members."

A Catholic marriage involves two baptized people, one or both of whom are Catholic. Catholic marriages are a vocation, a calling from God. Married people are called to be sanctified as much as clergy and religious brothers and sisters.

A least one of the couple must be Catholic, but the other person can be any other religion. If the non-Catholic was baptized in a non-Catholic church, the non-Catholic needs documentation verifying Baptism. If the non-Catholic is unbaptized, unchurched, or of a non-Christian religious, a special dispensation from the local bishop is needed. The priest or deacon doing the ceremony can obtain it.

A valid Sacrament of Matrimony requires the presence of a priest or deacon, bride and groom and two witnesses of any religion. The bride and groom are the real ministers of the sacrament, the priest or deacon is an official witness for the Church. Only Scripture readings from the Bible can be read and only approved vows recited during the ceremony.

Valid and Invalid Marriages:

In the Catholic Church, a valid marriage is one that was presided over by a priest in a Catholic Church or permission was given by the pastor for the Catholic party to be married in a non-Catholic church.

An invalid marriage is one that took place outside of a Catholic Church without permission from the Pastor or Bishop, or a marriage before a Justice of the Peace.  If you have had an invalid marriage, you can have your marriage validated in the Catholic Church by making an appointment with your pastor.

Religious Vocations

If you feel you have a call to the religious life, please call 417-887-0600.

Anointing of the Sick

"By the sacred anointing of the sick and prayer of the priests the whole Church commends those who are ill to the suffering and glorified Lord, that he may raise them up and save them. And indeed she exhorts them to contribute to the good of the People of God by freely uniting themselves to the Passion and death of Christ." (Catechism of the Catholic Church)

The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick offers a special grace to those who are sick to calm the spirit and give spiritual strength. It involves using Oil of the Sick.

This sacrament can be repeated as many times as needed and is not only used when a person is ready for death.

If you or a member of your family desires the sacrament of the anointing, please call 417-887-0600.